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Old 11-12-2009, 04:36 AM
Imkantus Imkantus is offline
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EvOReboot - Freeware alternative for OpenHaltRestart


EvO Team introduces you EvOReboot.
Tired of finding Psystar everytime we checked the IOREG, we decided to develope a new solution for Shutdown/Restart, EvOReboot itīs the replacement for Openhaltrestart from Psystar, it solves shutdown and restart problems under Snow Leopard.

Bye bye Psystar…

PD: If you want to disable the driver boot the system with -norebootfix flag

Some days old now, but it hasn't been posted here yet & I thaught some of you guys would like this.
Doing its job here on both systems.

AMD Phenom II X4 955 - ASRock AM3A770DE - 8GB DDR3-1333 - Radeon HD 5570 1GB passiv - BCM4318 802.11b/g - Snow Leopard Retail
AMD Phenom X3 8450 - ASRock AM2NF6G-VSTA (BIOS L2.39) - 4GB DDR2-800 - Radeon HD 4650 512MB - Snow Leopard Retail (retired) / OpenBSD
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Old 11-12-2009, 04:17 PM
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00010 00010 is offline
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Now we dont need to beg Phystar for our .kext anymore, But I will say there solution does work...

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