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Old 10-01-2009, 05:18 PM
krezza krezza is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 1
Dual boot: win 7 - ideneb 10.5.7. (won't boot)

Hey Guys,

Well here is what I have done.

I had a spare partition so I installed ideneb 10.5.7 on a ASUS X80L with windows 7 currently installed on another partition.

I had no problems installing ideneb, once installed and after rebooting no OS's would boot so I put in the windows 7 DVD and repaired my windows 7 system. I now can boot back into windows 7. I read somewhere to try easyBCD for dual booting for ideneb. I tried it and setup to boot into my ideneb(MAC OSX).

I restarted it and choose to boot into ideneb it start but once it gets to the grey screen with the dark grey apple logo it stayed like that with no hard drive activity and nothing happened so not sure what is wrong. If anyone can shed some light on this, that would be great....



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