Is it compatible?
Did a small bit of googleing but, got mainly 6 year old forum threads as results. That said I have no OSX x86 expereince with AMD. the reason I'm posting is becasue I'm curious if my hardware is compatible with OXS x86 10.6. Said hardware...
ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe (nForce 4) [SKT 939] AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+ (Toldedo) 4 GB DDR 400 GTS250 1 GB 200 GB WD (IDE/EIDE) HDD DVD-RW (IDE/EIDE) DVD (IDE/EIDE) 💡 Deploy cloud instances seamlessly on DigitalOcean. Free credits ($100) for InfMac readers. |