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Old 11-09-2009, 03:25 AM
launchcontrol launchcontrol is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
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Lenovo T400 (My Guide for Snow Leopard)

Snow Leopard on a Lenovo T400 laptop (6475-R1U)

Some basic hardware specs for those curious what I'm starting with: Intel 5100 wireless, Intel Giga-LAN, Intel Graphics 4500MHD, Conexant HD Smart Audio 221, WebCam (by Sonix/Chicony), Bluetooth, and Ricoh Memory-Card Reader.

Step 1 - Preparing

Restore a retail copy of Snow Leopard to a 8GB (or higher) external drive (usb memory stick or hd) in an existing OSX system in disk utility. Good guide, follow Step 1 (1-4 only):
Run myHack and install to the partition/drive you restored the image to above
Be sure to check the following:
- Have a USB Keyboard and USB Mouse connected to laptop (the laptop's keyboard and touchpad will not work during installation)
- Connect usb external drive to laptop
- Place BootCD in dvd drive

Step 2 - Installation
Check in BIOS (press F1 on boot up) that under Config > Serial ATA (SATA) > is set to "AHCI"
Boot laptop and press F12 and choose DVD Drive as the boot drive
Once loaded, the BootCD will ask for OSX, point to the usb drive containing the image in step 1
Once in Snow Leopard, go to USB drive and run myHack again, but install to the new OSX drive instead
Reboot (you can remove the disc and unplug the usb drive)

Note: you can try to boot directly from the usb drive, but for me, it would not boot (I get a black screen with a blinking cursor), hence the need for the BootCD.

Step 3 - Installing Kexts (drives)

* LAN/Ethernet (Intel 82567LM)
Copy kext to your /system/Extensions/
(Note: placing this in my /Extra/Extensions didn't work for me)

Download "" (5th post by dvil 32&64-bit compatible)

[Fully works]

* Native Screen Resolution (1280x800)
Edit "" in /Extra and add the following:
<key>Graphics Mode</key>

* Audio (Conexant High Defintion SmartAudio 221)
Delete AppleHDA.kext from /System/Library/Extension
Copy VoodooHDA.kext to /Extra/Extension
Copy Voodoo HDA Helper to Application folder
Run Kext Utility to rebuild kext
Run Repair Permissions in Disk Utilty
Run VoodooHDA.prefpane (you can close as your sound now should work)

Download "VoodooHDA 64" (Attached file in first post - at bottom)

[Speakers, headphones and mic ports work. Internal mic does not work.]

* Battery Indicator (32/64-bit compatible)
Copy VoodooBattery.kext to your /Extra/Extensions/

Download "" (Attached file in first post - at bottom)

[Fully works]

* Useful Utilities > Kext Utility v2.3.2
Run this utility everytime you make kext changes


What doesn't work:
Intel 5100 Wireless
WebCam (in Leopard it worked, but in Snow Leopard is does not)
Ricoh Memory Card Reader (I tried voodoosdhc, but with no luck)
Finger Printer Reader

Files you need
BootCD by fresch: or better, the BootCD attached that I made which includes the battery indicator kext and sets the screen resolution to 1280x800 already. Refer to the one by fresch if for some reason my version does not work.

If anyone wants, I can post a custom BootCD which contains all the kext and a custom bootloader screen (don't worry, it's very clean and simple with "lenovo" above the partition selection screen).
Attached Files
File Type: zip (430.9 KB, 654 views)

Last edited by launchcontrol; 11-09-2009 at 04:11 AM.
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Old 02-08-2010, 04:26 PM
moly82 moly82 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 3
hi launchcontrol, thanks for your guide.

I have a notebook with HW very similar to yours.. unfortunately I can not get native resolution to work.. I added the key and string as per your isntructions in my /Library/Preferences/System/ file (I don't have such a file in /Extra) but no way.. am I missing something?

please help.. thank in advance

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Old 02-11-2010, 03:18 PM
doabigcheese doabigcheese is offline
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Originally Posted by moly82 View Post
(I don't have such a file in /Extra) but no way.. am I missing something?
The /Extra Folder came after patching the installation with myHack... and inside this folder there you can find the plist...

I wonder if it is possible to get graphics acceleration with the T400...

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Old 02-11-2010, 03:30 PM
moly82 moly82 is offline
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I fixed my problem with this:

simply great

by the way I noticed that any changes I make in the file in /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration don't work.. dunno why.. for example I added the timeout string but in chameleon still no timeout! I tried also copying the plist file in /Extra but still no luck.. I can not customize the chameleon boot very strange any ideas?

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Old 03-06-2010, 10:41 AM
Skurvy_Pirate Skurvy_Pirate is offline
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I have a T400 and have run into some problems with this method. First off, I know my CD/DVD drive is on its way out, it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. Second, I don't have an external drive (not sure if this is what is causing the problem). So I do everything, but use my laptops drive. It gives a 3 "Ebios read error: Device timeout error", but then it loads the bootloader and shows my MacOSX USB. When I select the USB it freezes up during startup, if I use -v -x it stops at:

Couldn't alloc class "Disabler"
22IOACPIPlatformDeviceCh is not compatible with its superclass, 20IOACPIPlatformDevice superclass

Is this because I am not using an external drive?
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Old 04-19-2010, 08:16 PM
gozali gozali is offline
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my laptop keyboard doesn't work, any ideas how to fix this? thanks
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Old 02-26-2011, 07:16 PM
monkderhonk monkderhonk is offline
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any news?

do you have any news on this?
did you manage to get your wifi working?
did you get a second monitor working?
thanks a lot
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Old 09-07-2012, 06:37 PM
ridvan ridvan is offline
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Originally Posted by gozali View Post
my laptop keyboard doesn't work, any ideas how to fix this? thanks
AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext and ApplePS2Controller.kext

Both are in the Boot CD iso mentioned above

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