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Old 08-23-2012, 09:35 PM
general.chaos general.chaos is offline
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 1
Mouse keeps jumping to top-right corner!

I'm trying to install OSX on a Dell Optiplex 760.

I've tried two different versions of iPC 10.5.6, and they both act this way.

As soon as the installer starts, my mouse jumps to the top left corner (I know the title says top-right, that was in error)
If I move it down, it jumps back. It does not act this way under Linux or Windows.

I have tried 3 different mouses from 3 different manufacturers, on 3 different USB ports, but it keeps doing this.

I'm seriously considering buying myself a mac, but I wanted to test drive the OS a bit first before I make such an expensive commitment.

I ran thru the installer once using the tab key to make my selections, and once OSX was installed, it acted the same as the installer and the mouse kept jumping up to the corner.

Any advice?

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