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Old 02-10-2010, 08:22 AM
stereomac23 stereomac23 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 2
Snow Leopard Usb dell studio 540

Hi I have a dell studio 540 specs are: intel core 2 quad 8200< 6gb ram< nvidia 8400gs 512 pcie graphics card, wd serial ata 1tb drive, ts corp optical. i have been using iatkos v7 on another drive very well using the guides from this site. i tried the hazard distro for snow leopard but got nowhere. i Then tried the usb retail method and have have had sucess in booting into the installer. the problem is that it cannot see my hard drives. I have formatted them in guid partition and mac os journaled. In my bios there is no setting for ahci there is only ata and raid. i have this set to ata. My question there a kext i can add to my usb image that will see my hard drives so i can install!
any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

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