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Old 12-02-2009, 07:38 AM
prasys prasys is offline
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Originally Posted by anteo View Post
Hi, I have just bought an i7/P55 intel system, it will be shipped on friday.

Is it possible to use Empire EFI on such system, for what I understood it goes only on X58 platforms. Is it right?

Yes , it works with i7/P55 . There is a special P55 version

@pαuℓzurrr , I am doing that. I am doing more researchs on AMD System
@ ULTIMATI - download the special AMD version. That one should work and should do the trick

Oh there is anew version which I've uploaded. It includes fix for ATI 48xx card. I've included the new ati kexts ,so those with 48xx , 46xx , 47xx , would not have any problems at all
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Old 12-02-2009, 09:03 AM
bditman bditman is offline
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Memory Allocation Error

I tried the regular 1.08 version on a Gigabyte G41M-es2L with a quad core Q8400 and got the M.A.E. I then tried the version 1.08 for the i5, i7 quad cores and it booted and loaded retail S.L. I then added the nvidia enabler kexts and it recognized the 8400GS with 1 GB memory just fine, but I have no on board sound and it can't tell me anything about the ram. Will version 1.01 boot a q8400? What do you do about wireless USB network adapters? Thanks!!!!
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Old 12-02-2009, 07:04 PM
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Urhiness Urhiness is offline
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First, I want to thankPrasys for his time and effort in creating Empire EFI, although I've yet to taste success using it to install Snow Leopard (retail DVD). I have the same motherboard (MSI X58 Platinum SLI) and CPU (Core i7 920) as InteliMacPro, yet I kept getting "waiting for root device" message. I've have tried every version of Empire EFI I could find. I've also tried installing from different DVD drive connected to the system via IDE cable and still stuck at the same message. I've run out of idea what to try next. Any help/suggestion is appreciated.
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Old 12-03-2009, 12:19 AM
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maya77 maya77 is offline
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Kernel panic here with 1.08 (AMD edition) on Asus A8N-E and Opteron 180.
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Old 12-03-2009, 01:01 AM
icculus1 icculus1 is offline
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myhack bootloader

i have successfully installed snow leopard with Empire EFI 1.01. Boots with the Empire disc in the drive no problem. I can not get it to boot with myhack, however. i have tried selecting and deselecting items in the setup program to no avail. Myhack screen comes up at boot and spins forever. I really wouldn't mind booting thru Empire, but i haven't got sleep working either, so the thing runs full bore all the time. Empire EFI is great work. i appreciate your help

p5q se2 with MAC bios
PNY 9400GT video
voodoohd kext
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Old 12-03-2009, 06:20 AM
prasys prasys is offline
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Originally Posted by icculus1 View Post
i have successfully installed snow leopard with Empire EFI 1.01. Boots with the Empire disc in the drive no problem. I can not get it to boot with myhack, however. i have tried selecting and deselecting items in the setup program to no avail. Myhack screen comes up at boot and spins forever. I really wouldn't mind booting thru Empire, but i haven't got sleep working either, so the thing runs full bore all the time. Empire EFI is great work. i appreciate your help

p5q se2 with MAC bios
PNY 9400GT video
voodoohd kext
Boot with -v and check where it hangs. If it hangs in waiting for root device. I want you to open Empire EFI CD , go to extras and open preboot.dmg , inside there go to Extra/Extensions and copy IOATAFamily and some patched kext to your /Extra/Extensions adn re-run and it should work. Most likely its related to your SATA kext !

Urhiness , I'll look into it. Mind to tell me whats the controller of your IDE. I do hope its not jMicron

bditman, empire eFI limits to 1GB of ram by default. There are few reasons why to this. If you want to get full support , install chameleon and prepare kexts and get it to boot. An easier method would be by using say umm myHack

maya77, Again i need the screen shot of the kernel panic otherwise its hard for me to troubleshoot
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Old 12-03-2009, 09:40 AM
pipko pipko is offline
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FATAL ERROR: JavaScript garbage collection failed because...
amd athlon 64 x2 mobility
ati sb700
if someone can help
Installer Log:

Last edited by pipko; 12-09-2009 at 08:53 AM.
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Old 12-03-2009, 10:11 PM
cellos cellos is offline
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I cant connect to yours blog

I have an AMD motherboard (790GX) with a Phenom II 665 and a Radeon 4890. I want to try the empire efi 1.8 AMD version but I cant find information or guide to do it. Your blog address its not working, whear can i find information? Do you know if my system will work with Empire-Efi 1.8 AMD?
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Old 12-04-2009, 01:29 AM
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InteliMacPro InteliMacPro is offline
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Well i tried out the bootcamp utility on your blog, and it worked at partitioning my hard drive wonderfully. I then proceeded install win7 and now can't boot into OS X I tried the original Empire EFI disc to boot into my OS X partition, but it's the wrong kernel. I then downloaded the new 1.08 with gtx 2xx support and it booted fine but then i again get no video, so the gtx 260 issue remains. Had any luck with that?

~ Snow Leopard Retail w/Empire EFI ~ MSI X58 Platinum SLI ~ Intel Core i7 920 3.2GHz ~
~ Galaxy GTX 260 896mb ~ OCZ 6GB DDR3 1600MHz RAM ~ 500GB Hitachi SATA ~ Sony Optiarc DVD-RW ~
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Old 12-04-2009, 04:04 PM
icculus1 icculus1 is offline
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thanks pradeesh, it worked. i had tried pfix previously, but turns out it did not work launching from the GUI. ran it through terminal and now i am booting straight to 10.6.2
--ugh--somehow sleepenabler got back in there and buggered up the whole mess. i am going to start over from scratch and post my results. i didn't see that pfix installs kexts to extra/customextensions until after i started my re-install. live and learn

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Last edited by icculus1; 12-04-2009 at 06:33 PM.
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