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Old 05-19-2011, 04:01 AM
MarkDogg18769 MarkDogg18769 is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 3
Acer Aspire 3680

I am 100% NEW to this, so please bear with me...

My Specs

Acer Aspire 3680

Processor - Intel Celeron M processor 410/420/430 (1 MB L2 cache, 1.46/1.60/1.73 GHz, 533 MHz FSB) Mobile Intel 940GML Express

Ram - 2gb

Graphics - Intel Graphics Media Accelerator (GMA) 950

OSX 10.5.1 Kalaway Updated to 10.5.8, 5.2 Was Combo updated as was 5.3, from 5.4 to 5.8 was all done from downloading the updates from apples support site.

Anywho, Ill add more details in as im currently running late to work...

I have to boot into safemode in order to load into osx so i can see, my graphics are all shot to hell when it loads to log in screen, i have 1/2 screen white (top) Bottom is wicked fuzzy, i have had some display issues with blue screens and such durring the updating process, reloaded older back up kexts in such as AppleIntelIntegratedFramebuffer, IOGraphicsFamily, IONDRVSupport, AppleIntelGMAX3100FB, AppleIntelGMA950, AppleIntelGMA950GA, AppleIntelGMA950GLDriver.Bundle, AppleIntelGMA950VADrive.Bundle Repaired all disk permissions yet still same thing, I have even done it from back ups from 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, ect...

In addition to that, i go to System Profiler, Graphics/Displays (in safe mode) osx crashes, same with installing frostwire, i think its because it has to do with java, but any website that uses java seems to work fine, im not sure if it has anything to do with the display issues...

Also my sound is also not working, prior to 10.5.7 or 5.8 it worked, i have reinstalled it several times like 50ish still nothing (this can take a back seat though)

With the system crashing its the grayed out screen with the "Press and hold power to shut down" so im not sure how to grab any crash details, when i boot using -v system just freezes, no mouse nothing but frozen-ness...

I dont have a clue as to how to get beyond this point, last ditch effort i booted from the disk into terminal and copied all kext from disk into the system/lib/extensions to see if that would help with the display problems, and still im back where i started with this... is there a patch or something out there that will fix this, again i cant even seem to figure out what display mode im currently running in safemode or even what driver has loaded due to the system crashing and freezing...

Ill post pics booting using -v tomorrow, and what the screen does and where it freezes... i for the life of my cant figure this out... please help...

Thanks in advance..

EDIT :: Darwin bootloader, also NOT using Vanilla Kernel...

Last edited by MarkDogg18769; 05-19-2011 at 04:10 AM. Reason: Added More Info
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Old 05-20-2011, 03:04 PM
MarkDogg18769 MarkDogg18769 is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 3
Sorry for the double post, more research on such an issue eventually found its way to oddly enough on this site, gave me the idea to search for AppleIntel in finder and replace all "AppleIntel" Kexts still no luck, Removed FrameBuffer, Froze at apple loading screen but i had mouse, read about downgrading OpenGL to vanilla, and bam, loaded it fine and ready for action, infact, not really sure how/why but the sound came back too, (obviously related)

EDIT :: Alright apparently some issues still exsist, i no longer have to boot up in safemode to be able to see, the screen issues no longer exsist, however when i still attempt to install frostwire or using system profiler to see graphics/display to view info on drivers, osx still crashes. hmmmmmm...

Update :: Did some research, read a little somthing on replacing the kernel back to mach kernel back to 9.3 from 9.8 no luck, using past update 10.5.3 replaced all frameworks from the 10.5.3 using pacifist, still no luck, anything stating openGL or displays or graphics i had also replaced still no luck, every single time i open system profiler graphics/displays osx crashes, same with opening frostwire (java based app) thats the only app i am currently aware of that will make the system crash... Not sure whats going on with this, any help would be greatly appreciated...

thanks again in advance...
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Old 05-25-2011, 03:28 PM
MarkDogg18769 MarkDogg18769 is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 3
Well i analogize yet again for the triple posting, just wanted to tell everyone my "quick" solution to the issue...

Reinstalled OSX using Kalyway 10.5.1, used combo update to 10.5.3, from there downloaded combo update 10.5.8 using pacifist i extracted SystemVersion.plist from /System/Library/CoreServices and installed it to my system fooling OSX into thinking i have 10.5.8 no only will you need to copy 10.5.8 from the SystemVersion.plist but you will also require the build number, did a reboot and installed aim, java, and system updates everything works just have 10.5.3 features but i have ability to install things for 10.5.8

For me... Issue OVER...

Thanks again

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