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Old 07-26-2008, 07:35 PM
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rather than listing everybody individually (this doesnt mean I'm any less gratefull)
Thankyou for your input. Now to the bugs LOL

Ok the Nforce7 support is totally unknown to me (i didnt know it was supported) I will have to check.
Same goes for SB700 I have no knowledge of a working kext for this. But I will look into it.

@Ikari7789 I know what your issue is no chipset driver installed or maybe the way you have your bios setup.

Please keep posting as all the bugs are to be tackled on a total rebuild.

I need ppls repsonses becuase the only hardware I can test on is Nforce4, SB600, Alc888, VIA, SSE3, SSE2, Phenom, ADI1988 (i think), CMedia 8738, Athlon X2 5000, Geforce8400 GS, ATI HD3650.

So as you see its quite limited.

If you find kexts (drivers to things that dont work please supply links or give as much info as possible as this will be in the next build but dont expect it too soon. As this release was essentially just a play to see what I could achieve in little over a week (I think).

For those who have issues please make sure you understand how to install OSX first.

The only non user input fully automated parts of this install are the booting of the DVD, The kernel installation and the bootloader and partition activation (these seemed to cause the most headaches). Everything else is down to user intervention.

So please help me and if I dont know whats broke I cant fix it.

@ Nfoav8or which alc888 was it 3 port, 6 port or digital



P.s. please be kind and dont forget its a BETA

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Old 07-26-2008, 08:11 PM
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6 Port... but I've tried each of the included ones. I've just gone back to my AppleHDAPatcher with the text file fix. Its no big deal. easily fixed but not ideal.

To everyone else asking questions about the installs... another good place to look if you want to hep yourself learn regarding installs is the OSx86 <a href="">wiki page</a>. A lot of old but useful fixes, installers, etc. can be found at this site.

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Old 07-26-2008, 08:21 PM
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did it complain about badly installed kext when you booted for alciject.kext etc or not



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Old 07-26-2008, 09:24 PM
ikari7789 ikari7789 is offline
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Let's see, if it's a BIOS related thing, I have nothing but the base settings enabled. I tried all three of the RAID modes (IDE, RAID, AHCI) and none of them allowed OSx86 to boot. I've now re-installed it on a freshly formatted partition 3 times using custom settings and choosing the SB600 kext each time, the latest time installing all the kexts for my system because I looked them up. I still get the "Still waiting for root device" and I cannot figure out why.
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Old 07-27-2008, 12:42 AM
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ikari7789 can you tell me your motherboard model. Also if you look up the spider platform thread and install the sb600 kext by hand then boot with -v -f then install it again with kext helper.

Tell me how you go on


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Old 07-27-2008, 01:29 AM
ikari7789 ikari7789 is offline
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I have the MSI K9A2 Platinum Rev 1.0

So... the SB600 kext isn't installed with your build of 10.5.4?
I can grab the kext for the SB600 from the other thread, I know where it's at.
Where do I install it at though once I get it? I can use transmac with Vista correct?
I don't really feel like using USB to do it because it's my primary hdd.
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Old 07-27-2008, 03:36 AM
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well if you can still boot up with the DVD you can place the kext on a flash drive and install it to your drive in the
<b>/System/Library/Extensions/</b> folder. The permissions can then be set manually using the Terminal (for this I will use "Leopard" as the name of the volume you installed to):

<b>chmod -R 755 /Volumes/Leopard/System/Library/Extensions/</b>
<b>chown -R root:wheel /Volumes/Leopard/System/Library/Extensions/</b>

Since you can't boot from your OS X drive, you'll be unable to use kext helper right away...
but that is a lot easier to just drag-n-drop-n-forget.

transmac is good, but it defeats the ability to get to know your Mac System. using the DVD and a flash drive will allow yo to get into the weeds a little more... I think everyone should be able to use the Terminal.

remember... to copy a file in Terminal:

<b>cp -R /path/to/original/file /path/to/new/location/</b>

hope that helps.

It stated a few errors at startup dealing with permissions... yeah, the alcinject but also the broadcom wireless kext. fixed permissions through the Terminal and by installing my audio through AppleHDAPatcher... Its working fine now on my Test drive. I'm thinking of installing it to my main drive (I like the fact that I can use Time Machine again...). I want to install fully from DVD to see if I can correct any noob mistakes I might have done through the Customize option.
Except for those few hiccups, I think its a sound installer! Good work mate.

Cheers, Stix

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Old 07-27-2008, 03:45 AM
ikari7789 ikari7789 is offline
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Thanks for the info nfoav8or. I'll try it later when I feel like losing my Windows boot again... LOL
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Old 07-27-2008, 03:58 AM
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no worries mate. You'll get through this eventually. I was in your shoes about a year ago. I owned a PC but also went and bought a Macbook. After using my Macbook, I found myself going to my Windows PC less and less until I finally just needed it for work. Now I solely use OS X... with VMWare Fusion of course for the work requirement.

It may sound sucky but to really make your system work well, you may want to backup your Windows files externally and then reinstall completely over your main HD. If you have an extra HD lying around, it may be better to just install OS X to that one only for the time being until you find out exactly how to make your system work. The BIOS should still give you the option to boot to a specific HD (which you can select between reboots).

What kind of other Hardware do you have in your computer (besides motherboard, you stated that already)?
hint: go to "About This Mac" and "More Info" to get to System Profiler while in the install DVD to make a list of what OS X sees.

Good luck and happy hacking.

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Old 07-27-2008, 04:20 AM
ikari7789 ikari7789 is offline
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Yeah, I do have a spare HD, but I just popped it into my server unfortunately
It wouldn't really work anyways seeing as all of the ports on my PC are already taken up.

I don't really care as much about losing my main drive partition because I've got everything backed-up on my RAID and is where I keep all my media. I just need to reinstall programs which takes about an hour for all my big programs besides CS3 and Office. I've used mac before (10.4.9) on my old server machine, but I just got my new computer for graduation and figured that I'd give it a shot. Thanks for the tip about using a USB drive. Didn't even think about it even though you could do the exact same thing with windows... LOL. I use Windows extensively and use Mac for fun. I'm a gamer so Windows is where I'm needed + I just find it a lot more compatible and less nerve wracking to use. But I'm also a computer enthusiast, so I prefer to have a wide understanding of hardware and software. I've sorta lost hope with Linux, I just don't see the mass appeal when you need to sudo everything, but on Mac I've noticed that it just isn't as irritating. The Linux people always seem to be raving about how nice it is and how nice it looks, but as far as I've seen, the only way to really do anything on it is all through a terminal which annoys the hell out of me because I copy lots of files and such. And I prefer organization so it usually ends up being depths of folders and copying my terminal just gets too annoying that just drag and drop. (I don't keep everything on my desktop like most people)

My specs:
psu: 650w Antec EarthWatts
mobo: MSI K9A2 Platinum 790FX
cpu: AMD Phenom 9850 BE
gfx: 2x ATi Radeon HD 4850 512mb
ram: 2x 2GB Corsair Dominator PC2-8500
hdd: 1x Seagate 250GB (PATA)
3x Seagate 250GB (SATA-I) / 1x Western Digital 250GB (SATA-II) (RAID 0)
optical: Sony DRU-530A (really old, but it works well xD)

EDIT: Oh yeah, I'm also just experimenting with Mac right now because there isn't support for my gfx card yet and probably won't be for a while, so I'm just basically at the mindset now that it SHOULD be possible so I'm GOING to make it to happen.

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