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Old 03-22-2008, 01:38 AM
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Snow Snow is offline
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k guys. I unplugged Ethernet cable but ran Mail and Safari, Photoshop, iTunes showing a tutorial vid and Garageband playing a few tracks.

No probs but I do have to say that my system wasn't crashing that often anyway. And I've only had probs with PS so far. Saf has crashed before with the same error as Agra but that happend very rarely.
So I'm not too excited yet but so far it's stable.

Errors displayed while testing

21/03/08 21 maart 18:33:11 kernel CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page: p=395[lssave] clearing CS_VALID
21/03/08 21 maart 18:34:04 kernel CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page: p=398[Mail] clearing CS_VALID
21/03/08 21 maart 18:38:17 kernel CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page: p=403[mdworker] clearing CS_VALID
21/03/08 21 maart 18:43:27 kernel CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page: p=404[mdworker] clearing CS_VALID
21/03/08 21 maart 19:07:34 kernel CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page: p=407[mdworker] clearing CS_VALID
21/03/08 21 maart 19:46:50 kernel CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page: p=412[mdworker] clearing CS_VALID
21/03/08 21 maart 19:52:35 kernel CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page: p=413[mdworker] clearing CS_VALID
21/03/08 21 maart 19:59:14 kernel CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page: p=414[mdworker] clearing CS_VALID
21/03/08 21 maart 20:09:15 kernel CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page: p=417[mdworker] clearing CS_VALID
21/03/08 21 maart 20:35:18 kernel CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page: p=422[mdworker] clearing CS_VALID
21/03/08 21 maart 20:53:15 kernel CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page: p=423[mdworker] clearing CS_VALID
21/03/08 21 maart 20:59:27 kernel CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page: p=424[mdworker] clearing CS_VALID
21/03/08 21 maart 21:06:12 kernel CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page: p=427[mdworker] clearing CS_VALID
21/03/08 21 maart 21:18:40 kernel CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page: p=428[mdworker] clearing CS_VALID
21/03/08 21 maart 21:26:14 kernel CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page: p=433[lssave] clearing CS_VALID
21/03/08 21 maart 21:26:43 kernel CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page: p=435[mdworker] clearing CS_VALID

+ 3 hours so far but I'll let it run till I'm off.

Snow Leopard 10.6.7  Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3P  Intel Q6600 @ 3Ghz  Corsair CM2X2048-6400DHX  Gigabyte HD5770 Silent Cell  Samsung SyncMaster 2494SW  ALC889a  Creative T5400 5.1  Maxtor 380215AS  Pioneer DVR-215D  Presonus Inspire 1394  KRK Rokit 5  Wacom Bamboo One 
 SL USB Guide => 
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Old 03-22-2008, 01:55 AM
agrafuese agrafuese is offline
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Before I try the thing I mentioned previously, I do want to say that I'm up 14 hours here. Internet is on, Little Snitch is on, and I have every single app on my dock running at once, including CS3 apps, Office 08 apps, Linotype Font Explorer, iTunes, and too many more to mention - about 15 in all, plus others that I've been opening and then closing (small stuff). On the flip side, I am not running torrents this time. My console is rock solid stable, aside from the usual CODE SIGNING messages (like Snow just posted) and the occasional mDNSresponder messages which seem to have lessened since I upgraded to Netkas' new AppleSMBIOS. Aside from this new AppleSMBIOS, nothing else has changed on my system aside from the new security update and Safari 3.1. I'm wondering if any of these changes have helped solve the -10810 errors? Though, I have to say, I think I was getting those errors after I tried Ianxxx's memory timing settings (which I have since changed back to default). Also, Firefox seems rock solid, although I am only doing light browsing with it. All of my aggressive browsing is being done in Safari (which I am now in love with since 3.1 came out). Oh, and I have been doing some heavy FTP downloading too throughout this period. No uploading, though. Maybe the next test will be uploading some files, as it seems like that could be the reason torrents cause the slowdowns when I run them.
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Old 03-22-2008, 02:18 AM
WinLinMac01 WinLinMac01 is offline
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I still find this problem very freaky, lol. =)
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Old 03-22-2008, 05:54 AM
agrafuese agrafuese is offline
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You find it freaky only because you ain't go it The rest of us find it a pain in the arrrrsseeee!

On a side note, I just want to say a big W-T-F?!?!? I've been running now for 18 hours straight and still no problems! Is it torrents??? This is the only thing I haven't done yet. And Firefox is behaving! What the hell is up with this shit?
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Old 03-22-2008, 08:15 AM
Ianxxx Ianxxx is offline
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i was telling winlinmac, I come up with a crazy theory.
I was reading about mac memory specs. The importance of spd was stressed a lot in what I was reading.
As real macs don't use bios, but efi.
Is it possible that osx somewhere is reading the spd and using that and the bios is set differently?
I've set my memory to run with spd settings which is a bit of an arse for me as my memory is 2T memory. But so be it.
I've noticed in the past that if I open enough applications that although I might not get apps crashing and mouse jumping, I can tell that the mouse movement isn't quite as smooth.
With memory running at spd this doesn't seem to be the case, so testing will continue.
And thanks for testing my other idea snow.
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Old 03-22-2008, 08:21 AM
agrafuese agrafuese is offline
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Ian, what is spd? Can you explain it for a memory noob such as myself? Or link us to the thing you were reading? Btw, here is my latest report:

I'm coming up on 20 hours straight now. I'm still jerky-mouse-free! Still FireFox crash-free. No -10810s, no crashes anywhere, actually. I had all of my apps open for a very long time, but I've closed most of them except for a couple CS3 apps, Linotype, and iTunes. I'm constantly opening and closing Safari and FireFox. Both are behaving really well. I was even running YouTube videos in them, and that's about as taxing as you can get with a web browser, short of maybe Flash games or something? I still haven't run torrents. So now I'm starting to think that my Leopard's weakness is torrents and repetitive system-logging, because otherwise I've done just about everything I can think of to make my system freak out. And as I said, I think the 10810s haven't come back because I am back to default memory timings. I'm not doing any overclocking either. Full default in BIOS. So, take that how you want, but this is my report. I'm going to leave my system on as long as it will let me and see what happens. So far it's perfect. If I could have it be this way forever, I would no longer have a single complaint, and I could stop dreaming about Tiger
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Old 03-22-2008, 08:25 AM
Ianxxx Ianxxx is offline
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I can't link to the stuff I was reading but basically I think I googled mac ddr memory or something similar.
SPD is the firmware chip on your memory that tells bios etc the exact speeds to run it at. I bet if you boot up in to windows and run cpuz you will see that the memory settings your running at are the same as the ones set by spd. I'm pretty dam certain that will be the case.
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Old 03-22-2008, 08:29 AM
agrafuese agrafuese is offline
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So wait, how would I know what the spd settings ARE? Unfortunately, I no longer have Windows on this machine (took out the hard drive it was on). I can tell you this: I have my memory settings set to "auto" in BIOS. Does that mean that it will set them to whatever spd tells them to be?
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Old 03-22-2008, 08:30 AM
Ianxxx Ianxxx is offline
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Yep I would guess so. Reads info from chip.
And as I said I'm begining to think that this is the important thing rather than the actual speed.
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Old 03-22-2008, 08:38 AM
agrafuese agrafuese is offline
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But you and I have the same RAM don't we? Kingston DDR 400 Dual-Channel? I may be wrong about the brand though. It's been a while since I looked at the chips. I have two 512MB sticks. When was the last time you had it on auto settings in BIOS?

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