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Old 04-01-2008, 11:40 PM
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roisoft roisoft is offline
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For audio use this

and for the permissions open a terminal and type

sudo -s
(type your password)

cd /system/library/extensions
chmod -R 755 * && chown -R root:wheel *
cd ..
rm extensions.mkext
kextcache -a i386 -e

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Old 04-01-2008, 11:46 PM
mrnegitoro mrnegitoro is offline
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I just noticed that my ext2fs.kext is located in "/Library/Extensions/ext2fs.kext" and not "/System/Library/Extensions/ext2fs.kext" for some reason...
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Old 04-02-2008, 06:54 AM
yearzero yearzero is offline
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Hi all,

Last night I tried to install this (Leopard 10.5.2 Rev2) for the first time and encountered a few errors. Basically, it hangs every time I try to boot from the DVD, with one of several errors.

The first time I tried, I booted normally. Shortly after the "Apple Screen" was displayed, a "No" symbol was displayed across it and everything came to a halt.

I then booted with the -v option. It booted to a point and then stopped, saying "Still waiting for root device."

I rebooted again, still using the -v option. This time several errors were displayed (some problem with sandbox and several with mDNSResponder, among others), but the boot process seemed to be continuing until it loaded the NTFS drivers, and then it just stopped. No panic, no error, no nothing, it just stopped.

Here's my specs:

M/board: AMD M2N-SLI Deluxe
CPU: AMD X2 4400+
Video: Gigabyte 256MB 7300GT
HDD: Sata II

In case it has something to do with my partition table (I say this since sometimes it hangs on loading the NTFS driver), it's something like the following:

/dev/sda1: 'Empty'
/dev/sda2: W95 Ext (LBA)
/dev/sda3: Linux swap
/dev/sda4: Linux
/dev/sda5: NTFS

/dev/sda1 was previously NTFS, with Vista installed, but I marked this as empty and was planning to install OS X here. To be honest, I don't know where the hell /dev/sda2 came from because I never created it... seems to be the partition-table's version of a symlink; has the same start & block count as /dev/sda5 which is a 200Gb partition I used to share data between my Windows and Linux systems.

If anyone can help me out, I'd really appreciate it :-)

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Old 04-02-2008, 07:31 AM
yearzero yearzero is offline
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Okay, I have an update.

I just tried to boot the installation again, this time with -v cpus=1. I tried this twice and both times it halted with "Still waiting for root device."

After this, I tried just booting with "-v" again. This time it actually seemed to boot... I got a fancy GUI with a language selection dialog. Only problem is, neither my mouse nor my keyboard seemed to be working. The mouse wouldn't move at all, and trying to TAB to the button didn't seem to work (and hitting Num Lock seemed to do nothing).

Both my mouse and keyboard are PS2--will this be causing any issues? I thought I read somewhere that you shouldn't have any problems as long as the mouse & kb were both USB, or both PS2....?

Thanks again :-)
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Old 04-02-2008, 09:28 AM
mrnegitoro mrnegitoro is offline
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I tried running the Azalia_ADI1988.pkg, however, my audio is still not working...

I have to boot Leopard using the "-x" option, if I don't use "safe boot" the computer hangs via the spinning beach ball at a black screen. The black screen looks like the screen just before the the desktop loads, so close!

Anyway, my point is because I'm safe booting I have to manually load my tulip.kext using kextload, so maybe my audio is not being loaded due to safe boot.

However, I tried "sudo kextload /System/Library/Extensions/AppleAzaliaAudio.kext" but that didn't work either.

I think I give up at this point, I'm going to wait to see what the future holds.

Thanks very much for the help though!
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Old 04-03-2008, 01:03 AM
poochie2 poochie2 is offline
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[cite] mus1:[/cite]Already mentioned it in the other Thread:
Finder -> Go -> "Connect to Server..." doesn't work at all, no matter what I type, it always says that the URL would be invalid.
I also cannot connect to smb-shares. When I click on a share it says "Connection failed".
Everything else works fine so far. The NTFS-driver is working fine as well.
I have the same problem!

Plus, it's weird that without any additional fix in the installation I cannot see my hard drives during install and then I see them all after booting the installed leopard! I got a X38 board with a ICH9R controller in raid mode with 2-2drive raids and 2 single disks.
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Old 04-03-2008, 12:48 PM
zuz242 zuz242 is offline
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connecting to smb shares requires a fix, as it is broken in R2.
something about aliases, fixed most easily by eddie11c (i forgot the thread)

Leopard 10.6.5 | Core i3 | Gigabyte H55M-USB3 | ATI 5770 | Coolermaster Cosmos
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Old 04-03-2008, 03:08 PM
bhast2 bhast2 is offline
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[cite] zuz242:[/cite]connecting to smb shares requires a fix, as it is broken in R2.
something about aliases, fixed most easily by eddie11c (i forgot the thread)

you can find it here
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Old 04-04-2008, 06:31 PM
ka911 ka911 is offline
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Hi to all,
I have a small issue I’m having with (RT2500USBWirelessDriver). After I install Leopard and reboot my network work with out any problem until my next reboot or start my Leopard my network it does not see my USB card until I disconnect the cable and connect it again to make it work.

And way to make it connect all the time?
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Old 04-04-2008, 06:50 PM
Ianxxx Ianxxx is offline
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I think there is a real fix for this somewhere but until you find it just add -f to your

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