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Old 10-16-2010, 02:11 PM
JammLP JammLP is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 2
Failed to locate SMC driver

Hello, I have both windows 7 64 bit and iAtkos s3v2 Snow Leopard installed on my laptop, each with their own dedicated partitions. Up until the other day, Snow Leopard worked 100% perfectly, aside from my resolution not being as great as I wanted.
So I attempted to install the newest version of Chameleon as my bootloader, which seemed to run prefectly, once it installed, I was prompted to restart, which I did. On restart, all I got was the boot up screen with they apple and grey background, and the circular wheel just keeps rotating. I tried booting up with all of the flags (-v,-f,-x) no luck. Does anybody know what the issue might be?
keep in mind my snow leopard was working perfectly until then, so I'm guessing it is not a hardware issue...
Thanks in advance.

My specs are as follows

Asus F80L Laptop
250GB hard drive-2 partitions (Windows 7, Snow Leopard)
Intel Pentium Dual Core T2390 x2 @1.86GHz
Intel Express GM965 chipset
Not sure what else is needed.

When I booted with -v
the screen scrolled for about a minute with the drivers etc loading
Then the screen freezes at:
"ACPL_SMC_PlatformPlugin::registerLPCDriver-Failed to locate SMC driver"
Then I had to manually reboot back into windows

This is the link to Chameleon I downloaded, perhaps this is my issue?
Download Chameleon 2.0 RC5 + DSDT + Extra + keksts
I installed the Chameleon and restarted, thus my issue, I couldn't boot up.

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