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Old 08-31-2009, 09:26 AM
xxxslayeriiixxx xxxslayeriiixxx is offline
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[GUIDE] EVGA X58 Snow Leopard Mac OS X 10.6.6 (10J567) Installation


From 10.6.0 to 10.6.6

1. A working OS X Installation: iMacs, MacBooks, ... or
: Leopard. 10.5.7 Leopard GUIDE by ihavearedcouch or a distro (ex. Kalway) --- just use Kalway, search for it.
2. Retail/Beta copy of Snow Leopard
3. A HD to install Snow Leopard on, [ this is a separate HDD ]
4. Airwalk's EXTRA FOLDER - Click to download
5. Airwalk's DSDT.aml - I prefer you create your own so it specifies your own hardware.
6. Chameleon RC4 Installer - Click to download, or w/e the latest version is.
8. Apple Combo Updater 10.6.6
9. Make sure to look at notes in the bottom & help fellow members if they struggle. i suggest reading the whole thread after the succesful install.

This installation will take about 1-3 hours tops so be patient. it'll even take a whole day if you dont know what your doing...

Before you install, change IDE to AHCI Mode.


Step 1
Connect the Hardrive for the Snow kitty installation: USB Enclosure or to another Sata connection, i prefer SATA because it is much faster. Once it is connected, open up Disk Utility. Click the Hardrive and format it to GUID.

Step 2:
Mount/Click your Snow Leopard Install file. Once the Install window pops up, hold the these keys [ Shift + Command + G ] and enter
 /Volumes/Mac OS X Install DVD/System/Installation/Packages 

A window will pop up showing all the hidden packages. Find the install package called "OSInstall.mpkg" and run it. Customize your installation or it will fail. Do not include the files you do not need. Installation should take around 10 - 20 minutes. DO NOT REBOOT after it is done.

Step 3:
Install CHAMELEON into your Snow leopard hd. This is very straight forward.
Step 4:
Now we need to install the kext files. Go get Airwalk's EXTRA folder and just copy and paste it. (replacing EXTRA folder that currently exist).

Step 5:
Now we need to make/edit the boot.plist file located in the EXTRA folder. Open up the apple.boot.plist and replace the text with this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
    <key>Kernel Flags</key>
    <string>busratio=20 -x64 boot-uuid=93F4654A-DEAC-3A5D-9FB9-4AAF355BAD3D</string>  REPLACE UUID WITH YOUR OWN UUID. You can locate your UUID by browsing to DISK UTILITY and right click on the Snow leopard hardrive and click on INFORMATION. Copy your Universal Unique Identifier and paste it where mine is.
    <key>Graphics Mode</key>
    <string>1920x1200x32</string> REPLACE THIS WITH YOUR MONITOR RESOLUTION
Generating EFI STRING for your NVDIA Graphics Card:

Heres a sample of my clean boot.plist

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
    <key>Kernel Flags</key>
    <string>busratio=20 -x64 boot-uuid=93F4654A-DEAC-3A5D-9FB9-4AAF355BAD3D</string>
    <key>Quiet Boot</key>
    <key>Graphics Mode</key>
Step 6:
If you dont want to create your DSDT.aml file, get AIRWALK's dsdt.aml file and just place it in your EXTRA FOLDER.

You need to generate and compile/Edit your own DSDT.aml file so there wont be any complications on using others DSDT file. Copy/Paste it to EXTRA Folder

Creating DSDT.aml

DSDT Auto-Patcher - does the steps in the bottom with a program, so you dont need to do it manually.

Quoted from SaCleoCheater:
Step 3: DSDT. Your going to need a modded DSDT to stop the annoying CMOS reset bug.

Download iasl and extract it to /usr/bin on your CURRENT BOOTED VOLUME! - This will allow modification of a compiled DSDT.

once you have your DSDT.aml located in the root of your volume, open Terminal..
sudo -s
iasl -d /Path/to/dsdt.aml
You should have a dsdt.dsl located in / now, that is decompiled and editable.
open dsdt.dsl and search for "RTC"/ Find Code:
0x08 //Length
below "Device (RTC)" or "Device (RTC0" and replace the "8" (or whatever number it may be) with a "2". So it looks something like this: Code:
0x02 //Length
. here's what it should fully look like:

Device (RTC)
Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0B00"))
Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate ()
IO (Decode16,
0x0070, // Range Minimum
0x0070, // Range Maximum
0x01, // Alignment
0x02, // Length
Save it, and run the following through terminal:
sudo -s
iasl -ta /Path/to/dsdt.dsl
You should now have a compiled DSDT.aml located in /. Copy it to the EXTRA folder of your Snow Leopard volume.
Step 7:
Now you need a SMbios.plist to edit your system profiler information. just edit the UUID so it matches your system uuid's like the hardrive.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
    <string>Apple Inc.</string>
    <string>Apple Computer, Inc.</string>
    <string>Apple Inc.</string>
    <string>Mac Pro 4,1</string>

Step 8:
Now we can reboot. Just boot the Snow Leopard HD and it will play the snow leopard intro. to skip registration, press [ Command + Q ] and skip.
if it doesnt boot try [ -v -f ]
Step 9:
After it boots up, just UPDATE using COMBO UPDATE 10.6.6 from apple's website. [MANUALLY]. After you update, sound is not going to work, just use this 10.6.4).html
Download AppleHDA.kext
Open Terminal and type these commands:
sudo cp -R AppleHDA.kext /System/Library/Extensions/
sudo chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext
sudo chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext

Wait about 15 minutes (kextcache needs to rebuild) or use pfix to manually rebuild cache, then reboot and you should have audio back!
Notice: You might need to manually remove caches, use this command: sudo rm -rf /system/Library/Caches/
Step 10:
Dont forget to Repair permissions in DISK UTILITY after youve done everything.
Step 11:
scroll down for notes
CREDITS to xxxslayeriiixxx, Airwalk, msinfo_us, jae-v & the whole OSX86 community.

How to - Native power management, speedstep, Turbo function

Heres the files since the download link on both post above are dead. This is the kext files currently on Msinfo_us, airwalks, and my system right now.
When Using Carbon Cloner to copy everything and booting on the "backup drive", you have to reinstall chameleon on the backup drive in order for it to boot.
Originally Posted by airwalk776 View Post
if anyone is interested in optical out audio

the legacyhda file here
along with the vanilla applehda.kext from 10.6.2 works great

and no popping when sound is initialized
works great


BTW I am running 10.6.4 on EVGA x58 SLI board. ( the audio chipset is a 889a)
Originally Posted by airwalk776 View Post
*this is just reference since audio kext is already in one of the steps*
dude finally got 64 bit mode with stock applehda working in 10.6.2

take a look at port 67

Originally Posted by airwalk776 View Post
if anyone interested ful ntfs support in sl 64 bit

1st remove any 3rd party ntfs drivers you installed already (like paragon ntfs check there website for uninstall instructions)

2nd enable 64 bit mode again by removing arch=-i386 from the in /extra folder

3rd install NTFS-3G_2009.4.4-catacombae BE sure to select customize when installing an UNCHECK MacFUSE. DONT RESTART right now

4.install MacFUSE2.1.7


BIOS:E758_SZ2Z Motherboard:EVGA x58 132-BL-E758-A1 CPU:Intel Core i7 920 @ 4.0 GHz OS:Snow Leopard 10J567:x64 Vanilla Memory:24 GB G.skill DDR3 1333 MHz HDD:10 x 1TB Western Digital Caviar Black Graphics Card:EVGA Geforce GTX480 1536 mb Monitor:Dell Ultrasharp 2408WFP Rev. A02 Audio: Onboard

Last edited by xxxslayeriiixxx; 11-10-2011 at 08:32 AM.
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Old 09-01-2009, 05:18 AM
xxxslayeriiixxx xxxslayeriiixxx is offline
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Posts: 82
Important notes continued:

Originally Posted by airwalk776 View Post
couple notes:
1st dont need busratio =20 (this is only used in 10.5.6 and earlier because voodoo kernel was required. if you use the and smbios in the extra zip I uploaded it has the correct config.

2nd dsdt.aml is usually placed in the root path "/" and you can hide it with this command in terminal chflags -R hidden /dsdt.aml (if you want to unhide use hflags -R nohidden /dsdt.aml" actually you should be able to hide extra folder also.)

3rd in some cases I found that addeding -x32 or -x64 doesn't work. you may want to try arch=i386 or arch=i386-x64

4th In some cases you need your 1st network adapter to show as "en0" and "built-in" specifically when using netflix watch it now. so you might want to use efi studio to combine your graphics and ethernet string

Have fun and good luck nice tutorial btw


Originally Posted by airwalk776 View Post

As JaE-V pointed out no need to do a reinstall. just boo int safe mode and replaced the effected kext with the new ones your issues is mostlikely the sleepenabler.

On a side note I have been getting many PM's asking for my /extra folder and dsdt.aml file.

This is from my system which is
2 EVGA 9800 GTX+
6 gig OSZ platinum 1600 ram
1 Western Digi black 1TB
1 Seagate 500 gig 7200.11

here they are, however before you just copy and paste this into your system please chnage the UUID in the platformID.kext and rebuild mkext and also change UUID in smbios.plist.

Add your gfx string in in /extra

If you use this extra folder and dsdt.aml you "should" have a system that runs 100 % vanilla in /system/lib/extensions ( in my case none of the files in /s/l/e are modded) this makes for a cleaner install and helps reduce issues when updating.

Good luck hope this helps
Originally Posted by banini_jeque View Post
You should make a note in the first post about speedstep not working on the [latest] X58 SLI3 or X58 FTW3, and how it only works on the other models if you use the bios version before version 44, which is of course SZ2Z. I
GTX480 Installation 10.6.4: For updated installation go to insanelymac and look for the GTX470/480 thread
Originally Posted by xxxslayeriiixxx View Post
Download this and install the drivers.

*REMEMBER TO DO CUSTOM INSTALL and deselect the sound kext in the options

Generate your GFX string here

registration required for download.

What i did -
1. install drivers using aquamacs installer (deselect sound kext in the installtion)
2. turn off computer
3. Took out old 9800gt
4. plugged in gtx480
5. booted up - resolution is not full
6. Generated GFX string
7. Put generated GFX string on my .plist
8. added graphics enabler line on my .plist
9. restarted, fully working

I have SLEEP fully working with my motherboard, see my signature. If you had success doing the "How to - Native power management, speedstep, Turbo function " with the DSDT that was provided you do not need to follow this, You just need to do the BIOS changes according to this note. [scroll down for the BIOS changes]

Originally Posted by msf5042 View Post
getting sleep working:

Note: Part c here is what i think will do it for most of us.

First off, i am running this as a macpro4,1. Here is my smbios (note the smbiosversion). If you are not already running this, i suggest editing your smbios.plist and making sure your system works with it.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!doctype plist public "-//apple//dtd plist 1.0//en" "">
<plist version="1.0">
    <string>apple inc.</string>
    <string>apple computer, inc.</string>
    <string>apple inc.</string>
    <string>mac pro 4,1</string>
bios settings:
Acpi suspend type: S3
run vgabios if s3 resume: No
soft-off by pwrbutton: Instant off
wake up by pci card: Disabled
usb kb wakeup from s3: Enabled
pwron after pwr failure: On (this is also enabled in system settings)

you need the 10.6.2 sleepenabler

1. Getting your board to go to sleep

if your computer fully sleeps (fans off, usb off, etc) then you can skip this. If not, here are some things to debug:

A. Usb: Go into system profiler and check to see if usb is marked as internal.

If they are not internal you will need to modify the usb devices on your dsdt. I did not have to do this, but what you have to do is add the dsm method to each of your usb/ehci devices. I plugged my iphone into my desktop and made sure that the desktop stopped charging it when it went to sleep.
You can read more about this here
it should look like this:
device (usb0)
     name (_adr, 0x001d0000)
     method (_s3d, 0, notserialized)
         if (lequal (osfl, 0x02))
             return (0x02)

         return (0x03)

     method (_dsm, 4, notserialized)
         store (package (0x02)
                 buffer (0x04)
                     0x34, 0x3a, 0x00, 0x00
             }, local0)
         dtgp (arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, refof (local0))
         return (local0)

     name (_prw, package (0x02)
b. Sata: In system profiler, your sata devices should be ich10 (or esb2 if you fixed it via dsdst to get rid of acpiportinjector/ioahciblockstorageinjector). Obviously your jmicron ports won't be but that's okay. I didn't have a problem here. If you do, see this guide.

C. Getting your computer to recognize s3 sleep

go into your kernel.log and filter by "acpi:". You should see something like:

"acpi: System state [s0...."
this line should have s3 in it as follows:
acpi: System state [s0 s3 s4 s5] (s3)
if it does not....
Make sure you have s3 enabled in bios, and then if you still get the message it's back to dsdt.
Go to the section where you find the following:
name (_s0, package (0x04)
you should have similar sections for the other states (s1, s3, s4, s5). If your s3 section is formatted differently then the rest. For me, i had to do a global replace of "ss3" with "_s3" (or something like that). Here is what is should look like when you're done (make sure you do a global replace):

name (_s0, package (0x04)
    name (_s1, package (0x04)
    name (_s3, package (0x04)
    name (_s4, package (0x04)
    name (_s5, package (0x04)
2. Waking up:

Here i just had to make sure that i had installed the qe_ci package for my 4870 from netkas here. Different people might have to take different routes here. I think that turning off run vgabios in the bios was important for this step.

3. Other:
To wake from your usb keyboard/mouse do the following:
update: it seems with this method there is a usb issue after resume so you probably want to leave this out unless you want to help me fix it. It gives me this error in console:
appleusbehci[0xffffff801ade8000]::getframenumber32 called but controller is halted
each usb(uhci)/ehci device in dsdt has a _pwr section in it. Right now it probably has 0x00 as the second parameter in it. Change this to 0x03 in each one. This is taken out of the macpro4,1 dsdt and it works for me. An example working usb section would be:
device (usb0)
                name (_adr, 0x001d0000)
                method (_s3d, 0, notserialized)
                    if (lequal (osfl, 0x02))
                        return (0x02)

                    return (0x03)

                name (_prw, package (0x02)
4. Issues

theres a continuous error in console that reads:
firewire guid 0000000000000000 is invalid!
i haven't found a good solution to this yet. Disable firewire if it bugs you.

BIOS:E758_SZ2Z Motherboard:EVGA x58 132-BL-E758-A1 CPU:Intel Core i7 920 @ 4.0 GHz OS:Snow Leopard 10J567:x64 Vanilla Memory:24 GB G.skill DDR3 1333 MHz HDD:10 x 1TB Western Digital Caviar Black Graphics Card:EVGA Geforce GTX480 1536 mb Monitor:Dell Ultrasharp 2408WFP Rev. A02 Audio: Onboard

Last edited by xxxslayeriiixxx; 01-14-2011 at 10:55 AM.
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Old 09-16-2009, 04:25 AM
msf5042 msf5042 is offline
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I have SL installed on my macbook and I have a desktop PC I am trying to get it on. What I don't understand is you say that you have to mount the drive you want to put SL on and then click the OSInstallation.pkg, but when I open that package it won't let me install SL on any drive except for the one that is currently running OSX. What am I missing?
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Old 09-18-2009, 05:37 AM
msf5042 msf5042 is offline
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Hey slayer how did you get voodoohda.kext to work? I've gotten everything working fine except the audio. I tried the kext kelper to no avail.
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Old 09-20-2009, 03:40 PM
punkychips punkychips is offline
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i have leopard 10.5.5 install in vmware i was wondering if i could use that to install snow leopard
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Old 10-05-2009, 06:30 PM
fate17 fate17 is offline
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Hi, did anyone able to make the LAN n audio in snow leopard? can upload e file? Thanks.
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Old 10-08-2009, 07:07 PM
msf5042 msf5042 is offline
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add voodoohda with kexthelper and then run kextutility and then restart and you should be good with audio
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Old 10-11-2009, 07:34 AM
Trav Trav is offline
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I followed your guide and successfully installed snow leopard, but i've got one lingering problem..

I can't seem to get the onboard optical out in the back to work under OSX. VoodooHDA creates the audio devices, but I can't get any optical use out of em.

I have a feeling that the audio devices voodoo creates is from my creative x-fi sound card (I know it won't work under mac, so it's strange that voodoo might be picking it up) since when I go under system profiler there is no built-in audio shown as installed.

I haven't tried the other ports, no speakers/headphones besides my receiver.. lol

Anyone have any clues how I can get it working?

Board is EVGA x58, latest bios, e758-a1 model.
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Old 10-12-2009, 02:28 PM
msf5042 msf5042 is offline
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I have the same board, onboard sound shows intel high definition audio through voodoohda after using kexthelper & kextutility. I would definitely love to find a solution through DSDT and get rid of voodoohda though.
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Old 10-14-2009, 01:49 AM
airwalk776 airwalk776 is offline
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hdef audio without voodooHDA

if your interested here is the method I use to get appleHDA to work and no injectors and voodooHDA

to start off you need to convert your dsdt.aml to dsdt.dsl use iASLMe to do this.

edit the dsdt.dsl file to edit the part of the code to look like this (I included code before and after the code you need to insert so you know where it goes. just compare it to yours and you will find it.)

Device (PX43)
Name (_ADR, 0x001F0003)
OperationRegion (PBAS, PCI_Config, 0x20, 0x02)
Field (PBAS, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
BAS0, 16

Method (SMBB, 0, NotSerialized)
And (BAS0, 0xFFFE, Local0)
Return (Local0)

Device (HDEF)
Name (_ADR, 0x001B0000)
Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized)
Return (Package (0x02)

Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)
Store (Package (0x0A)
Buffer (One)

Buffer (0x04)
0x89, 0x08, 0xEC, 0x10

/**** Is ResourceTemplate, but EndTag not at buffer end ****/ Buffer (0x04)
0x79, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00

Buffer (0x10)
"Realtek ALC889A"

Buffer (0x28)
/* 0000 */ 0x10, 0x90, 0xA1, 0x01, 0x20, 0x90, 0xA1, 0x02,
/* 0008 */ 0x80, 0x30, 0x81, 0x01, 0x90, 0x40, 0x21, 0x02,
/* 0010 */ 0x30, 0x40, 0x11, 0x01, 0x40, 0x40, 0x01, 0x01,
/* 0018 */ 0x50, 0x60, 0x01, 0x01, 0x60, 0x20, 0x01, 0x01,
/* 0020 */ 0x70, 0x61, 0x4B, 0x01, 0xA0, 0x01, 0xCB, 0x01
}, Local0)
DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))
Return (Local0)

Name (BUFA, ResourceTemplate ()
IRQ (Level, ActiveLow, Shared, )
Name (BUFB, ResourceTemplate ()
IRQ (Level, ActiveLow, Shared, )

Save the dsdt.dsl file and convert it back to dsdt.aml and save it in your root dir.

next remove any injectors or voodoohda files you have. ( or what ever else your running for audio)

Back up your AppleHDA.kext in /S/L/E to a safe place.

download the modified appleHDA.kext and install it in /S/L/E using Kext utility 2.3.2 (if you have this app simply drag the modded kexts ontop of the Kext utiltiy icon to install)

Cross your fingers and reboot

should look like this when your done. (see screen-capture)

Please keep in mind this is for 32 bit only it wont work if your running the 64 bit kernel.

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