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Old 03-04-2010, 11:20 PM
sammys sammys is offline
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Some more progress. Yay!

Thanks for the updated driver for bluetooth Grandflash! What exactly does your fix fix? Does it wake it up properly?

bd4utonite2: The kext bundle attached to this post should fix your audio problem.

andreic: Thanks for reporting what you've found! It gives me (and anyone else) enough info to look into why my DSDT is not waking up the USB properly after a sleep. I've not been using the sleep functionality at all and haven't needed it yet.

I've done some more playing around and fixed a few more issues that I was having here and there. Most of them caused by me updating to newer kexts. First of all, the most exciting news is that Slice and AutumnRain have released a kick butt AppleHDA kext. It works like a charm and even has microphone working when using my DSDT. Thanks to Slice and AutumnRain. You can read their post over at Project OSX.

I also finally found out that you have to delete the VoodooPS2Trackpad.kext from within the VoodooPS2Controller.kext folder in order for the VoodooPS2Controller kext to work properly. I was using the ApplePS2Controller kext before so it's great to be able to use this one instead. It adds scrolling support to it.

I've deleted ApplePS2Controller by the way!

The only problems I'm having now are USB waking from sleep and SDHC driver freezes the system when you put a card in. If you don't put an SD card in the system runs fine. The issue has been reported to the devs but no one has mentioned they are working on it.

So without further ado here is the updated X61 kext bundle for 10.6.2! You simply install all kexts in the bundle into your system and away you go.
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Old 03-11-2010, 12:49 PM
Pitrako Pitrako is offline
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Posts: 4
Hi all !!!

I have my X61s with SL 10.6.2 and I have some minor issues, may you can help me to fix it.

Sleep doesnīt works, if I close the screen, laptop seems to going to sleep, the moon led lits, but if I open the screen, donīt happens nothing and if I press the on button seems to start the laptop but nothing in screen, I have to press the on button for 4 or 5 seconds to restart.

The middle button of the trackpoint only works in Firefox, if I press it then I can scroll with the trackpoint, in Safari act like the third button and when I press it over a link then open a new tab with the link I pressed. Is possible to configure the third button in Safari for act like in Firefox???.

In the Mouse properties in System preferences donīt appears the third button for configure.

Well I hope you can help with that issues.

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Old 03-16-2010, 04:13 PM
cosmopol_b cosmopol_b is offline
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Originally Posted by sammys View Post
So without further ado here is the updated X61 kext bundle for 10.6.2! You simply install all kexts in the bundle into your system and away you go.
Hello Sammy, i tried you're bundle, but here, on X61 Type 7475,
it breaks up with a kernel panic related to VoodooBattery.

Before it worked with an older VoodooBattery version, i will run some tests and post the results here.

Question: which BIOS version you have ?

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Old 03-19-2010, 10:16 AM
sammys sammys is offline
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Bios version

cosmopol_b: I'm on 7676 with BIOS version 2.21. Are you using 32-bit or 64-bit mode? I'm only using 32-bit at this stage as many apps are only 32-bit friendly.

Pitrako: Sorry to hear you're having troubles with it. I can't remember what my cause of sleep problems was so I'm going to be unable to help. However, perhaps someone else has an idea. The only thing I can think of is to do a -f during boot to flush the kext cache and ensure that the new kexts are being used.
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Old 03-19-2010, 11:27 AM
Pitrako Pitrako is offline
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Thanks for reply!

Iīll have a look to the -f command.

Best regards
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Old 03-24-2010, 06:55 AM
CeleronPopsicle CeleronPopsicle is offline
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Why is this a good hackintosh? This machine costs as much or more than a MacBook with similar specs.
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Old 03-24-2010, 04:29 PM
NIXin NIXin is offline
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lol, you don't get the point, CeleronPopsicle. It's for people who already own ThinkPad X61. Buying X61 just for the purpose of installing Snow Leo would be ridiculous.
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Old 03-24-2010, 08:18 PM
blix blix is offline
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Great thread. I'm a complete OSX with a tad of Linux knowledge. So I was looking for something that was rather "idiot-proof". Well, I've found it!

Thanks Sammys. And ofcourse all the other guys. This has saved me alot of time all together (instructions + correct Kexts).

Now, on to the next step -- dual booting SL/W7.

Last edited by blix; 03-24-2010 at 08:20 PM.
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Old 03-27-2010, 01:07 AM
blix blix is offline
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Guys I have a few remaining questions. I've tried Googling but I couldn't really find anything

- What does the line do that I'm adding to the Graphic/screen related?

- I've tried reinstalling about three times now because I pretty much screwed up my old Snow Leopard installation. Sadly I cannot get it to work anymore. It's freezing the first time I boot it up (-f, -f arch=i386, -x32). I'm trying to boot it with just basic stuff. (i.e. fakesmc, intel ethernet, voodoops2 -- cham 2.0 rc4, boot file that was supplied by start post, dito with the DSDT).

Anyone got a clue If I'm forgetting something? It's quite annoying, because it does load.. It ust completely freezes when I see the grey screen with the little Apple and the loading timer. Help very much appreciated.

- DSDT is unique for every system, isn't it? I guess it is best to make one yourself? (i.e. DSDT patcher)

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Old 04-05-2010, 02:24 PM
sammys sammys is offline
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blix: Hi there. DSDTs are unique for every different system. Lenovo use the same system board as much as they can for systems in the same model. It saves them money you see. They tend to disable or not install components when they are not available for a particular model variant.

My model number is 7676-3PM. The specifications for it can be easily found on the Lenovo support website. If your system specifications differ from mine in things like front-side bus frequency (e.g RAM frequency) or main chipset then you'll have to roll your own DSDT. BTW: may I suggest always keeping a backup copy of your working DSDT. That way you can recover an installation if a boot failure creeps in from DSDT tweaks.

For those wanting some info on how I have things setup in my mac partition. I have a folder (/Awesome) in the root folder and in that I have Original, Updated, DSDT, Testing and Bundle folders. The Bundle folder is what you see in the ZIP bundles posted to this thread.

I use the Testing folder for kexts that I'm testing out. If something fails with a kernel panic it will happen in one of two stages in the boot and these stages can be seen in the single user boot mode (-s boot flag in Chameleon). First stage starts all the lower level parts of the OS and the second occurs after you type exit.

If you can boot to the shell prompt in single user mode you can easily remove the broken kext and replace it with a known working version from the Bundle folder. Remember to set the permissions correctly.

If you can't boot to the shell prompt because the kernel panic happens before that (like when SleepEnabler.kext isn't updated for the new version of OS X - *cough* - see next message) then you have to boot to the Snow OSX installation CD to copy the known good version from /Volumes/<disk label>/Awesome/Bundle to /Volumes/<disk label>/System/Library/Extensions/.

Same thing applies for DSDT problems though you'd be copying your known good DSDT.aml from the DSDT or Bundle folder instead.

Pretty easy stuff.

P.S. The only way you can be certain a new version of a kext is faulty is if it's the only thing you changed since you last booted the system. Change two kexts and you have to test both independently!

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Last edited by sammys; 04-05-2010 at 02:27 PM.
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